The Christmas period is often a time of stress for many local families, with extra costs and responsibilities putting pressure on wallets, already under stress from increased increased energy bills this winter.
Thanks to generous donations from members of the Ballynafeigh community, as well as from our funders (Belfast City Council, The Community Foundation NI, and the National Lottery Community Fund) we were able to help relieve some of the pressures of Christmas for several vulnerable members of the community.
On the 9th December we provided 100 Keep Warm packs from our building and through some of the local pharmacies, to help those in our communities struggling to pay to heat their homes.
On the run up to Christmas, our Toy Appeal (collected by our friends at First Avenue Coffee Company), was able to provide Christmas presents for 38 families in the area, split between ourselves, South Belfast SureStart, Belfast City of Sanctuary, and Sólás.
During Christmas week, we provided 40 Christmas hampers, 30 Christmas Eve children’s play packs, and 36 food packs including fruit & veg and meat for Christmas dinner!
For our Seniors Engagement Programme group and our Men’s Shed group we also provided a three-course Christmas dinner, with entertainment and good company in the lead up to Christmas.