Welfare Advice Team
The Advice Services at Ballynafeigh Community House is a part of an Advice Consortium covering all of South Belfast. BCDA provides a generalist Advice and Guidance Service to a wide range of people i.e. elderly, unemployed, single parents, people with learning, disabled etc. We specialise in Welfare benefits and take a holistic approach to people’s needs and operate a flexible service which includes a drop- in, appointments and home visits both in-house and at outreach centres. Our service is free, non judgemental, confidential and delivered in a friendly environment.
BCDA/TCFL Social Health and Wellbeing
This is a partnership programme with Taughmonagh Community Forum Limited (TCFL) funded by the Public Health Agency (PHA). We deliver a targeted Health and Social Wellbeing programme across the lifecycle comprising sports/physical activity, intergenerational relationship building, drug awareness, and personal development e.g. counselling. This includes seniors engagement programmes, Men’s Shed, summer scheme, and other cultural events.

Talking Therapies
The service delivers talking therapy sessions, either counselling or life-coaching. Clients are referred to the service by their GP via the Mental Health Hub.
Each client receives up to 6 one on one face-to-face or online sessions with a fully qualified Life Coach or a Psychological Talking Therapist, as appropriate. The services we offer are often a first step for people to get their lives back on track by starting to move forward and work towards personal goals.
Keeping Connected
The Keeping Connected service started during the first Covid-19 lockdown, providing information, support, shopping or prescription collections, and friendly chats to vulnerable and isolated people.
Since then, the BCDA Keeping Connected Team has provided befriending services, senior well-being packs, meal delivery, cook-at-home packs, food & fuel vouchers and Keep Warmer packs to families and vulnerable people across Ballynafeigh.